Bullion News Review: April 26th – May 2nd, 2021
This week we’re reading about the leap to come in gold and hearing that the surge of silver over the past year is nothing compared to the future. Scroll on to read more…
Investors should be buying gold and gold stocks
Global markets have seen some wild trading in the past year, but today one of the legends in the business told King World News investors should now be buying gold and gold stocks to protect themselves.
READ IN FULLSteven, these bubble markets are very reminiscent of 1999-2000 (and the capitulation in sentiment we have seen recently in the gold, silver and mining share markets).
Gold’s next move up will be quantum leap
In this video Michael Oliver from Momentum Structural Analysis discusses how they use long-term monthly charts, and they plot it against a mean.
WATCH HEREThink $100 silver is a crazy price? Not if you check this out…
While we have witnessed a surge of new silver investment demand over the past year, it’s nothing compared to the massive buying coming in the future. We know that there is something big happening in the silver market when the top silver analysts “conveniently” omit the massive global silver ETF demand in their surplus-deficit calculations.