How to Buy Online at KJC Bullion

If buying bullion online has you puzzled, fret no longer! We’ve put together this handy step-by-step video so you can start purchasing from our live to market web-store like a pro.
Online Payment Options for First Time Clients
As a first time client, the following payment methods are available to you:
1. 10% Deposit Lock-In
Lock-in your order at the current metal price, by paying 10% of your total order upfront.
- Credit Card: A 1.9% surcharge is applicable to the deposit paid. Visa and MasterCard accepted only.
- POLi: Complete payment using your internet banking, no surcharges apply. For new clients, products may be held for a minimum of 5 business days before the goods can be released for shipping and collection.
Once checkout is complete, customers will receive an immediate email confirmation of their 10% deposit with payment instructions on how to complete their order. Full payment of all invoices from KJC must be received within 24 hours (or next business day in the case of a public holiday and/or a weekend trade). You will be able to pay the balance due by:
- BPay
- Direct Deposit
- BPay via credit card: A 1.9% surcharge is applicable
- Bankwire for international payments.
- In store using the “Over the Counter Payment Options”
2. Express Full Payment
Pay the full amount of your products upfront, using the following options:
- PayPal: A 2.8% + $0.30 surcharge applies. Shipping is only available to registered PayPal addresses.
- POLi: Complete payment using your internet banking, no surcharges apply. For new clients, products may be held for a minimum of 5 business days before the goods can be released for shipping and collection.
- BitPay (Bitcoin or Bitcash): A 1.65% surcharge applies on all Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash transactions. A minimum of AUD$3000 and maximum of AUD$100,000 transaction limit applies per order. Products will only be available for collection or shipping once cleared funds have been received into the KJC bank account.