50 g (50x 1g) Valcambi CombiBar Gold Bullion Bar
Popular highly divisible bar - Now in stock, while supply lasts
These items are on a slight delay with availability expected in approx 2-3 weeks. Your entire order will ship upon their arrival (please note orders will only be dispatched when entire orders are fulfilled).
Product Description:
This innovative 50 g CombiBar design was developed by Valcambi and allows each bar to be broken into 50 X 1g gold bars which all have the weight, purity and the Valcambi logo on them. The 50g CombiBar is security sealed in plastic and comes with a serial numbered assay certificate.
Valcambi is a world leader in precious metals refining, operating one of the world's largest and most efficient integrated precious metals plants at Balerna, Switzerland. Annual combined refining capacity of gold, silver and platinum group metals at Valcambi is approximately 2000 metric tons.
Valcambi was established in 1961 and throughout their history have been solely focused on the business of precious metal refining. Valcambi is a listed as a good delivery brand on both the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and the COMEX.
* 99.99% pure gold (24k)
* LBMA accredited Good Delivery Brand
* Innovative CombiBar design developed by Valcambi
* High quality minted finish
* Can be broken into 50 X 1g gold bars
* Security sealed in plastic with serial numbered assay certificate
* Internationally recognised
* Highly Liquid