1/2 oz SilverTowne Buffalo Silver Bullion Rounds - 250 oz Monster Box
Pays tribute to Americas native tribes and the majestic, once endangered buffalo
These items are on a slight delay with availability expected in approx 6-8 weeks . Your entire order will ship upon their arrival (please note orders will only be dispatched when entire orders are fulfilled).
Product Description:
Pays tribute to America’s native tribes and the majestic, once endangered buffalo. James Earle Fraser’s design for the 1913 Buffalo Nickel has inspired both images featured on this round.
*99.9% pure silver
*Shipped in official mint packaging monster box (250 oz)
*Internationally recognised US based mint
*Highly liquid product
The Silver Towne Mint is a private mint located in Winchester, Indiana, USA, that specializes in producing silver and gold bullion products. The mint was founded in 1949 by Leon Hendrickson and his wife, Ruhama, and it remains a family-owned business to this day.
Note, photos are examples only. Designs may vary slightly depending on availability.